Keen on Yoga Podcast

Keen on Yoga Podcast

Adam Keen

Adam Keen hosts the Keen On Yoga Podcast where he engages in a deep level of discussion with Ashtanga yoga teachers as well as others involved in inquiry, wellness, diet, or simply people he finds interesting. The podcast is nonformulaic; there is no pre-list of questions, and the guests are encouraged into an open-ended chat in order to really get a feel for them and their approach to their subject. The emphasis is always on depth, with actual topics of discussion prioritised over the life-story or more familiar, surface-level questions we are used to hearing. To this end, the conversations are often quite honest and surprising. Approaching quickly towards one-hundred episodes, the keen on yoga podcast was started at the beginning of the first lockdown of 2021. We have now released one episode a week for the las year and are as enthusiastic as ever to bring you a wide range of voices to inspire and support your greater journey with yoga. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us you can do so by liking, sharing, rating and donating at

Categories: Health

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Adam and Laura discuss the application of the Yoga Sutras to modern yoga practice. Laura's PhD focused on how the Yoga Sutras can be applied to the physical practice of Ashtanga yoga. They explore the concept of embodiment and how it relates to the classical philosophy of the Yoga Sutras. They also discuss the idea of concentration and absorption in modern practice, and how it may differ from the traditional interpretation of Patanjali's teachings.

Laura emphasises the importance of observing the mind and finding practices that lead to heightened states of concentration. They also touch on the concept of the ego and its role in practice. The conversation explores the different perspectives on interpreting the Yoga Sutras, including the emic and etic approaches.

"My PhD was about observing how in the 21st century Patanjali is connected to the physical practice, especially to Ashtanga yoga."

"How do these practices get us into a state of concentration and absorption?"

"Flow state is not what Patanjali meant with Samadhi, but maybe it can be deemed as a small Samadhi."

"What we're doing is, I believe, ethic, is that right?"

"We're looking from the outside."

"We're not trying to lose the ego."


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Key Points

·      The Yoga Sutras can be applied to modern yoga practice, but it's important to consider the context and adapt the teachings to fit our current lifestyles.

·      Observing the mind and finding practices that lead to heightened states of concentration can be valuable in modern practice.

·      The concept of the ego in yoga practice is complex and can be interpreted differently. It's important to find a balance between honouring the teachings of Patanjali and adapting them to our modern worldview.

·      The Yamas, or ethical guidelines, can be seen as contemplation points rather than strict rules to follow. It's important to reflect on how they apply to our lives and make conscious choices.

·      Reading the commentaries on the Yoga Sutras can provide a deeper understanding of the text, but it's helpful to have guidance from a teacher or someone knowledgeable in Sankhya philosophy.

·      Recognizing that the Yoga Sutras have been interpreted and adapted throughout history can provide mental clarity and a sense of relaxation when exploring their teachings. There are different perspectives on interpreting the Yoga Sutras, including the emic (within the culture) and etic (cross-cultural) approaches.

·      It is important to question and critically examine the text rather than blindly following it.

·      The concept of ego should not be eliminated, as it is necessary for engagement and living fully in the world.

·      Vivekananda played a significant role in bringing the Yoga Sutras to the modern context, but his promotion of disembodied practices should be reconsidered.

·      Curiosity is a valuable trait that allows for open-mindedness and continuous learning.

·      Taking time to simply be and do nothing can be a guilty pleasure that provides a break from the busyness of life.

Previous episodes

  • 169 - #168 Laura von Ostrowski – Unlocking The Power Of Yoga: Embodiment And The Yoga Sutras 
    Sun, 21 Apr 2024
  • 168 - #167 Adam Keen -  The Power of Holding Space for Students 
    Sun, 14 Apr 2024 - 0h
  • 167 - #166 Andrea Ferretti – The Human Side of Yoga Teachers 
    Sun, 07 Apr 2024
  • 166 - #165 Adam Keen My Emotional Healing Through Yoga 
    Sun, 31 Mar 2024 - 0h
  • 165 - #164 Tomas Zorzo – Mysore Since 1985 
    Sun, 24 Mar 2024
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